Top 6 Reasons Why Wireless Charging Can Be Dangerous

Wireless Charging

When more than one person in your house has an iPhone, and you have to find a charger for every night, do you ever regret not buying one of those fancy wireless chargers? I know I do. 

But… are we being smart by spending the dough? We’re talking about electricity here people, don’t mess around. Even when you have good intentions, you might get hurt. 

There’s no doubt that Wireless chargers are not just a convenient way to charge your phone battery from the comfort of your bed or couch; they are also one of the most popular technology trends of this day and age.

And not just in the domain of mobiles – wireless chargers find themselves being leveraged extensively in the automobile industry, so much so that almost every week, there’s a new idea published on how to make Wireless EV charging a safe reality.

For instance, Qian et al., in 2020, devised the Magnetic Position Technique and Integrated it with Near-Field Communication to realize efficient wireless charging of electric vehicles. Likewise, Ramezani and Nairmani brought forth a Bypassing Strategy to achieve the same feat.

However, the question about security still looms large, especially when there are several loopholes regarding the safety of wireless chargers. 

Wireless charger manufacturers often claim that they are safe; however, are they really? What is it exactly that makes them dangerous? The following reasons will you understand how wireless chargers can be a bane in disguise of an otherwise inevitable boon. 

1. Unregulated & Untested

Although WHO has previously claimed that exposure to low EMF isn’t a notable health concern, standards governing such exposures still remain oblivious to common people. It is possible for these wireless devices to cause electromagnetic radiation exposure, which can lead to headaches and other health problems.

Simply put, there do not seem to be any specific standards for wireless charging devices, which means the safety of these chargers is not regulated by a central authority such as the government. The lack of testing and standardization means that there is no way to determine how dangerous these devices are.

2. Electrical Shock

Because wireless chargers aren’t regulated, no authentication or identification system can be used to locate the source of the shock if you get zapped by one of these chargers. A standard USB charger has safety features that are used to identify the source and prevent the flow of electricity through your body.

3. Heat Exposure

wireless charging

As it stands, the risk of heat exposure is not any different from the usual risk of prolonged susceptibility to a device whose surface heats up. As with wired chargers, wireless chargers, too, have a tendency to go berserk at times, emitting heat that is certainly not good for health. 

Even Apple recommends keeping wireless chargers aloof of blankets, pillows, and even the body while they are attached to a power source.

4. Easy to Hack

Data transmission has always been a massive problem, especially in the domain of IoT. The more sophisticated the devices get, the higher is the probability of their systems getting compromised by hackers. 

Consider a scenario where you’re charging your phone at an airport using a wireless charger. While it appears perfectly safe, it might be compromised through add-ons like rubber duckies. After all, the charger itself doesn’t have to be IoT powered to be used by attackers.

So, if you aren’t careful, you could end up with a wireless charging case that is more dangerous than useful.

5. Expensive

Not necessarily a “danger” per se, but certainly a facet to consider. Purchasing a wireless charger for your phone can cost you anywhere from $15 to upwards of $150 — almost double on an average relative to conventional chargers. 

The bottom line is, why are they so expensive if they’re not even regulated by the government or any sort of agency? It just doesn’t make sense!

6. Non-Eco-Friendly

Eric Ravenscraft, in 2020, reflected upon the inefficiency of wireless chargers by comparing the performances and the energy input of wireless and wired chargers on Pixel 4. The results were astonishing, with the former constituting 47% more power.

According to new calculations from OneZero and iFixit, wireless charging is drastically less efficient than charging with a cord, so much so that the widespread adoption of this technology could necessitate the construction of dozens of new power plants around the world. 

Eric Ravenscraft, Debugger


So, there you have it! All the reasons why you should think twice before going for wireless chargers.

I hope this article will help you make better decisions in the future. Want to add more to it? Drop a comment below or simply reach out to me.

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